V901 Vibration Monitor

What is a V901 Vibration Monitor?

The V901 is battery powered portable vibration monitoring equipment, purpose designed for ground vibration monitoring of blasting, piling, demolition, construction and traffic vibrations.

What Can a V901 Vibration Monitor be used for? 

Piletec’s V901 ground vibration monitoring equipment is designed to measure construction vibration reliably and efficiently.

Key Specifications of a V901 Vibration Monitor

  • Accurate ground vibration monitoring
  • Specialist advice on environmental effects of ground engineering techniques
  • Avoid potential damage claims
  • Risk analysis
  • Download results to PC
What are the benefits of a V901 Vibration Monitor?

Where there is a particular requirement for ground vibration monitoring on site, battery powered Vibration Monitors are a highly beneficial tool for accurately reporting ground vibration levels in real time. The results can be saved and downloaded to PC for later scrutiny and this can be particularly useful if the need arises to mitigate potential or retrospective damage claims.

How to Hire a V901 Vibration Monitor from Piletec?

For more information on V901 Vibration Monitors and how to hire vibration monitoring equipment, simply follow our Contact Us link or ‘Add to Enquiry Basket’ to find out what’s on offer, or send for a product brochure.

Technical Library

Excavator Mounted Vibrators (EMVs) User Guide

Excavator Mounted Vibrators (EMVs) User Guide

Equipment User Guide for the use of Excavator Mounted Vibrators (EMVs)


Risk Assessment for Shoring & Piling Operations

Risk Assessment for Shoring & Piling Operations

CPA Safety Guidance sheet - Risk Assessment for Shoring & Piling Operations